Mmoexp Elden Ring Items: Centipede Demon Boss Guide

Elden Ring: Centipede Demon Boss Guide

Centipede Demon is a Night Boss in Elden Ring Nightreign, one of four available to face in the Network Test Beta. Centipede Demon is encountered on Night 1. Centipede Demon is new to Elden Ring, originally appearing in Dark Souls.

Learn more about Centipede Demon in our boss guide below:

Centipede Demon Boss Guide

Centipede Demon is a large bipedal beast with multiple limbs sticking out in all directions. You will mostly want to strike its face or legs, as its other limbs will become detached as the battle goes on. These detached limbs become additional enemies and you will want to deal with them as quickly as possible.

If you are a melee Nightfarer, you will want to position yourself around the Demon"s feet. They are the easiest place to strike, though tail and face are good options as well if you want a better view of his actions. If you are standing by his feet you mostly need to worry about his stomp attack. He always stomps one foot, then the other foot twice, so after the first stomp you can lay into the first foot with attacks.

If you are standing in the area around him, attacking from range, you need to look out for his claw swipes and tail whips. These will not hit the players standing underneath, but hide the area wide around him.

Centipede Demon has multiple attacks where he jumps up into the air, either to reposition himself or to come falling back down with a slam attack. If you are underneath him it can be hard to tell which action he is taking, so the best option is usually just to run or dodge roll directly away from the spot where he jumped. Once he lands you can just run back in and begin attacking again.

His most dangerous jumping attack is his fire blast, which he telegraphs by building up a ball of flame in his claw. He then leaps into the air and slams the fireball into the ground, releasing a huge area blast. It can be hard to Elden Ring Items see this coming if you are standing underneath, so look out for the flash of light let out as he is gathering the fireball. Run directly away from him to avoid the explosion.

At various points in the battle, Centipede Demon will stop, shake, and then detach one of his limbs. You will see the detached limb become a new enemy, with its health bar. Centipede Demon leaves himself wide open during this process, which is a great chance to lay into him with attacks. Just make sure 1-2 of your party members then turn their attention to best place to buy elden ring items the mini demon and kill it instantly. If it starts running around the arena letting off random attacks it becomes quite annoying.

Due to his large body and slow attacks, Centipede Demon was the easiest Night Boss in the Server Test, but don"t take him lightly or you may see your run end short of Day 2. Use ailments like Bleed and Frost as much as possible if you have them, focus your attacks on his feet, and back off between his attacks to stay safe.

Defeating Centipede Demon will get you a special Dormant Power buff, and let you access Day 2.