Mmoexp Elden Ring Items: Keep Moving, Don’t Stand Still

Here are some additional tips for dodging Mohg"s blood tentacle attacks in Elden Ring to ensure you can avoid them effectively and stay safe during his Phase 2:


1. Keep Moving, Don’t Stand Still:

Constant movement is essential to avoid being overwhelmed by the blood tentacles. Standing still for even a moment can lead to Elden Ring Items disaster. Even if you’re not dodging a tentacle slam directly, staying mobile allows you to react to the next attack more quickly and position yourself away from the impact zones.

2. Watch for the Ground Shimmering:

Before the tentacles slam down, there’s often a brief shimmer or distortion on the ground in the area where they’re about to strike. Pay attention to this visual cue, as it gives you a small but helpful window to dodge out of the way just before they hit.

3. Keep an Eye on Your Stamina:

Dodging the blood tentacles will require you to spend a lot of stamina, so be careful about running out. If you don’t have enough stamina to dodge effectively, you might get caught by a tentacle. Always maintain a bit of best place to buy elden ring items stamina for at least one dodge to keep yourself safe.