Mmoexp: Using Diablo 4 Gold Efficiently for Lord Zir Preparation

Using Diablo 4 Gold Efficiently for Lord Zir Preparation

Upgrade Gear for Shadow Resistance:
Gold Use: Consider investing your gold into upgrading your gear, especially focusing on increasing shadow resistance if you’re struggling with Lord Zir’s damage. You can visit a Blacksmith or Jeweler in Kyovashad to Diablo 4 Items craft or upgrade gear with this stat.
Elixirs: Don’t forget to stock up on Elixirs of Shadow Resistance, which can be bought from vendors or crafted by an Alchemist. These potions are crucial for surviving Lord Zir’s shadow-based attacks.
Stock Up on Potions:
Gold Use: Purchasing health potions and shadow resistance potions in bulk is essential. You can easily buy them from various in-game vendors. Having a stock of potions will help you stay alive longer during the fight, especially when dealing with the damage from the blood pools and adds.
Buy Mercenaries:
Gold Use: If you prefer to tackle Lord Zir with cheap Diablo IV Items some extra help, use your gold to hire mercenaries. These can significantly reduce the difficulty of the fight, especially if you’re lacking in certain aspects of survivability or DPS.